Clean Up Memphis Foundation
A Recognized 501(c)(3) Charity

Your Donations Make A Difference

Your donations will change someone's life forever. People matter... make a difference.

Wire donations to Clean Up Memphis Foundation, Bank of America account number 4440 3020 9328, routing number 064000020.

Send your check or money order to:
Clean Up Memphis Foundation
7712 Lynx Run Cove
Cordova, TN 38016

Reduce Your Taxable Income and Help Others

Did you know that you can deduct up to 60% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)* to a registered charity like us? Why not put that money to good use to help those in need instead of it automatically going to the IRS?

We keep our administration expenses to 30% or less of money donated. The rest goes directly to helping people in need.

*Always consult a certified CPA for any tax advice.

Look us up on the IRS website

Go to the IRS search page and type in "99-3185582" in the EIN field or "Clean Up Memphis Foundation" for the organization name. Or, download our letter of acceptance from the IRS.


We split our time 50/50 between helping the people of Memphis and cleaning up unsafe ares of Memphis.

What We Do For People

We find people in Memphis and surrounding areas that have difficulty cleaning their houses. We help anyone who needs help... the elderly, handicapped, busy single Moms, people recovering from the loss of a loved one... anyone. We never charge anyone to clean their house.

We also partner with St. Jude Children's Hospital to clean the houses of cancer patients living in Memphis.

Outside The House

We pressure wash their home, windows and driveway, clean out the gutters, cut the grass and make the house look and feel like home again.

Inside The House

We clean up any clutter, steam clean all hard surfaces, including kitchens and bathrooms and vacuum and professionally clean their carpets.

We also check to see if they have enough food. If they don't, we buy groceries including fruit, vegetables, milk, eggs and either fish, chicken or beef from a local store and give them the food. If there is an ongoing shortage, we work with the Mid South Food Bank to make sure they are fed.

Of particular concern to the Clean Up Memphis Foundation are women and children that need our help.

What We Do For Memphis

Memphis has a reputation for having a high crime rate and is often rated as the most dangerous city in America. It's always in the top 10 of any published list.

We are trying to reduce the overall crime rate in Memphis by cleaning areas that are considered to be unsafe by removing graffiti, cleaning and greening vacant lots and cleaning popular tourist areas through gum removal.

Research has shown that transforming vacant lots through cleaning and greening leads to a decrease in gun violence and other major crimes.1 For instance, an experiment2 conducted in Philadelphia involved randomly assigning 380 vacant lots for cleaning and greening. The results revealed that these interventions significantly lowered incidents of serious crime and shootings in the vicinity compared to a control group that received no treatment.

Importantly, there was no indication that crime simply moved to neighboring areas. Surveys conducted among residents living near cleaned and greened lots indicated reduced perceptions of crime, vandalism, and concerns about safety when outdoors at night. Moreover, residents reported increased usage of outdoor spaces for relaxation and socializing.

1 Sadatsafavi, Hessam, Naomi A. Sachs, Mardelle M. Shepley, Michelle C. Kondo, and Ruth A. Barankevich. "Vacant lot remediation and firearm violence – A meta-analysis and benefit-to-cost evaluation." Landscape and Urban Planning 218 (2022): 104281.

2 Branas, Charles C., Eugenia South, Michelle C. Kondo, Bernadette C. Hohl, Philippe Bourgois, Douglas J. Wiebe, and John M. MacDonald. "Citywide cluster randomized trial to restore blighted vacant land and its effects on violence, crime, and fear". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 12 (2018): 2946-2951.; Moyer, Ruth, John M. MacDonald, Greg Ridgeway, and Charles C. Branas. "Effect of Remediating Blighted Vacant Land on Shootings: A Citywide Cluster Randomized Trial". American journal of public health 109, no. 1 (2019): 140-144.